UMG Image Help

Right now I’m trying to pan and crop an image in real time to act as a real time map. Is there anyway to do this using UMG? If there isn’t I’ll have to come up with another method to do this so I’d appreciate some help.

Have you found a way to actually set the image? I am currently working on a “pause menu” using UMG, but I am having tremendous issues manipulating anything made via the UMG. I really don’t understand why you have to cast stuff left and right to even change the slightest of thing.

That said, if you’ve found a way to set the image I’d love to know how. I’m currently drawing my widget via pressing Escape*(EventGraph of my Pawn)*.

What sort of things are you finding you need to cast all the time, and do you have any suggestions on what you’d prefer to do?

Just access your image widget and call Set Image From Brush, Texture or Material.

UMG’s ability to do those sorts of image operations are limited at the moment, you’d need to place the image inside a canvas and then manipulate it’s Slot (CanvasSlot) to be at the corresponding position, currently not terribly easy to do, because you need to understand the structure of the anchor data and what the offsets do. XY (Position) ZW (Size) assuming the anchor min/max values match (non stretching mode).

First of all, I’d like to apologize in case I was a bit offensive. But I spent far too much time trying to figure out how to change a text variable made within my UMG Widget. And when I did indeed get it working*(thanks to MathewW)* I was rather baffled by the amount of stuff you had to do to achieve this*(compared to how simple and easy the rest of blueprints are to work with)*.

That said, I’m not a professional developer. We’re just 2 guys preparing a project for our Oculus Rifts which will arrive in September. And I also understand that UMG is a work in progress.

I also figured out how to work with images in UMG, I just had to make a Slate Brush, and refer my UMG Image to that. I was assuming I could just set the texture within the image right away. So that’s that problem solved :stuck_out_tongue:

I wouldn’t be able to suggest a better way of doing it since I probably won’t ever understand the complexity behind designing such a powerful and versatile blueprint system. But if possible, an easier and more obvious way to edit text variables made with UMG would indeed be helpful. This is how I solved it(YouTube Video)


Seeing as how we’re already talking UMG, and it is something I’d love to get better with. I’d like to ask a few questions which would be of great help;

1. Whenever I open a Widget Blueprint, the aspect ratio is defaulted 1280x720. Is there a way to change this so it remains 1920x1080 when I open it?
2. I’ve noticed that when you move stuff around, the border tends to go away - this can be very disorienting when trying to position stuff accurately close to the edges. Is there a way to prevent this from happening?
3. Are there any plans of adding a ruler system similar to that of what Adobe Photoshop has? I find this tool to be invaluable when working with interface design within Photoshop.
4. Is there any way to achieve a 3D-like effect on stuff created with UMG? Can it be done directly via UMG or would it need fancy blueprint scripting?

If any of those were answered, it would be greatly appreciated! :slight_smile:

  1. I should have that fixed by 4.5
  2. Not yet, it has been brought up though.
  3. Yes, not sure when it will go in though. Probably post 4.5, so many core things that need priority.
  4. Maybe by 4.5, there may be a render target based solution to allow placing widgets in the world. Eventually we’ll have a way to render them directly onto the back buffer in the 3D world.

Alright thanks for the answers, can’t wait to see the UMG being further developed - it sure will make things a lot easier! Looking forward to 4.5 :rolleyes:

Hey Nick, am I correct in assuming this portion should be done in C++, or can I do it using UMG?

Depends - I need more information about what you want to do. If you just want to move it around and crop it based on the rectangular area that’s doable in UMG.

Right now that’s exactly what I’m trying to do at the moment.

Ok, then I would try just doing what I was suggesting earlier.

If you need to do something more hardcore, you could use a dynamic material:, see Dynamic Material.

While we’re at it I’ll report a small crash bug. If I change the color of a button and then use the drop picker tool to get a color, the whole editor crashes.