UMG HUD - Hide during matinee


I’ve got an opening sequence, but for some reason, my HUD (which is made with UMG) doesn’t hide itself. How does one doe this?

If the HUD isn’t supposed to be there until after the Matinee, don’t add it to the viewport until it’s done.
If it’s supposed to be there, but go away when the matinee plays, remove the UMG, then add it back after the matinee.

Yeah solved everything with Booleans. Found out that’s actually the solution to most problems haha

how? I’m having the same problem

The best thing you could do for your UMG regardless of whether you use a graphics window or not would be to add in a tick event a HUD voucher, this will require a HUD that in turn will require a driver, to blueprint terms it could be solved as follows.

Base = Canvas Panel / Root Component

BP: HUD Matinee with Custom HUD posted by anonymous | blueprintUE | PasteBin For Unreal Engine 4



Event Tick (Your UMG) → Set render opacity

Target: Base
Opacity: Get player controller → Get HUD → Show HUD → Opacity (Transform bool to float)

alternative without taking the Base.

Use: Set Visible