UMG How to make a button appear where i touched the Screen

Hey guys, i’ve being searching around for a answer like this and came around to posts that answer this question.

However, after doing everything it still doesn’t work. Is there any special layout configurations that i must do on widgets? As said by trudy i’ve setted that anchor to the top left, but i anchored 3 buttons in that situation. Can someone shed some light please?


it’s simple, here are steps:

  1. create new widget BP and make inside it one large image covering all space and set it’s visibility to “hidden” like this Oops!

  2. in same detail panel on left scroll down and press event button creation, select “create binding”

  3. after this should appear BP editing for this event, here you’ll have “my geomenty” uotput pin, to get click coords just use “absolute to local” or visa versa depending on needs, afte this use “break” to get values - they should be the click point Oops!

  4. when you need catch user presses on screen just create this widget, note that presses will be tracked even without mouse visible on interface, if you want show mouse use “Show Mouse Cursor”

p.s. to enlarge pictures right click it and select “open in new tab”, answerhub doesn’t handle this yet in 1 click on image

don’t forget mark question as answered with little gray circle button under any answer (not comment, but whole answer) when problem solved, so anyone else later can have same question and may find solution faster, if you find solution on your own, don’t forget write it too

Your way works too, but i read again the answer given by Rudy and it served better. Thanks for the help dude. Here is a image on how i solved it too.