UMG How to disable the tab navigation focus?

Hi, i’ve been strugling with this problem for way too long now!
If you press the tab key in your packaged project you enter a keyboard navigation mode in your UMG widgets, however i did already make my own keyboard navigation system and i want to disable this but by some hilarious reason it is just impossible! I’ve already tried all of those things:

  • Set “Render Focus Rule” to “Never” in the project setting, this hides the selection button but it’s still enabled so if you will press enter it still presses the random button you selected.

  • Set all properties on the buttons under “Navigation” to stop, this will make it impossible to move the selection, but one will still be selected.

  • This seems like the cleanest solution so far: Set “is Focussable” to false on the buttons, this worked perfectly but by some wierd reasons this checkbox is not available for “spin boxes” and “input key selectors”, so this solution also doesn’t work for me.

  • I also made a hidden “pseudo button” with all navigation set to stop, this seemed fine but then i realized you can also enter this focused navigation mode when pressing on the button and then hitting tab…

  • I also tried to “consume” the navigation keys with listen for input action events, but they were less prioritized so it didn’t work.

I just can’t believe that there is no proper way to disable this function!? Can PLEASE someone help me, how did y’all solve this in your projects?

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See Annoying bugs with UMG focus (with Is Focusable? on all widgets false) - #4 by Ixiguis

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Override On PreviewKeyDown

