UMG How to create a vertical text

I want a Text rotated at 90 degrees. Notice the 5 dots on the brown image. That’s where the text actually is.

The problems:

  • the overall size of the parent widget is affected by the area where the dots are, not where the text is.
  • the visibility of the text is affected by the same offset between actual info and visual info.

This is all to be expected when tinkering with the render transform, but I find the render transform useless and would much appreciate a true widget transform.

In the mean time, does anybody know a work around for this?

The best solution would be to have widget transform like the render transform

Hey, somebody answer please. I have similar problem.

You can do a workaround like this :slight_smile:


No, i cant =)
Because text use varaible. And that Varaible can change =)

If you are using Blueprints for variables then you can still use it. Only problem is you have to assign it in the graph because in details panel multi-line is not supported by default for details panel. :slight_smile:


No-no. I need exacly vertical text. Text can be random. Like name of Person, Where gamer sets any name.

I just made up something like this so maybe you can try this out.

As you can see this returns the given text in a vertical format. You can then use the return value to assign your variables.


Thank you ryanjon2040 for your answer. It works just fine for me

The way I do vertical text :