UMG for weaponBP in multi player game

i wanna make a UMG for weaponBP in multi player game

this is on my weaponBP

and this in the weaponUMG

i do replicate every thing and it works on server well but on cleint not
every time i shoot itll call refresh widget and update max and current ammo

not sure i understand, but i would sugguest creating a binding for the text within the widget. then there is no need to constantly refresh.

cast failed every time i try every thing

my weaponBP is separate than my character

as u can see in the pic

i made it work by doing this

but until now i cant make UMGs work with networking multiplayer (the casting failed on clients)

I think Tom’s method of Text binding would be more appropriate than using Event Construct. If you try the text binding code mentioned above, what do you get as the return value of ‘Get owning player pawn’?

on the server it works on client cast failed

and what is Tom’s method?