UMG efficiency of UPROPERTY(meta=BindWidgetAnim )

Hey all!

Just a quick question, I’m wondering if these bind tags run every frame similar to how the blueprint “property binding” functionality binds a property to a get function. I’d rather not use it if it sets the value every frame of the game.

For example, if I use C++ code
UPROPERTY(meta = (BindWidgetAnim))
UWidgetAnimation* BlinkingTextAnimation;

Will every frame of the game set the blinking text animation value to the animation I’ve set in the designer? I’m thinking not, but it sounds similar to the “property binding” functionality. Just curious if anyone knows the answer on this or a way to test it out.

Heres a link to the UMG C++ UROPERTY macros I’m questioning:

Heres a link to the UMG Blueprint Property Bindings (which I’m comparing it to)

Thanks to anyone in advance!

No, the value is serialized at compile-time by the Blueprint Widget Compiler - so it’s no different to accessing a regular pointer really.

“Bindings” are something different, and you’d be better off updating your widgets from their built-in Tick event than using Bindings.

Thanks a lot for the quick response! That’s just what I was hoping for.

When I use bindwidgetanim I am getting this error :

Why does it need to be transient and what effect will it have ?

Also this variable does not show up in the variables window in blueprint.
How can this variable be made to show in the variables window ??


Make it BlueprintReadOnly for it to show up in the panel.

Transient seems new, must be a 4.26 thing.