UMG Editor weird scaling

I consider it a bug although it is not causing a crash or block. Problem is that the UMG editor changes it’s pixel units when you switch DPI Scaling from Shortest to Longest (User Interface settings). If you use “Shortest”, UMG editor will change DPI depending on the “Screen Size” set in top right corner of the widget editor, but it will keep 1920 width as it’s base resolution. For example:

  1. If you set “Screen Size” to 1920x1080, UMG editor will display (bottom down) DPI 1.0, and if you place Image on widget you can set it to 1920x1080 to cover entire screen.
  2. If you set “Screen Size” to 1334x750, UMG editor will display (bottom down) DPI 0.69, and if you place Image on a widget it will be still 1920x1080 to cover enitre screen.

That’s completely fine… However once you change DPI Scaling from “Shortest” to “Longest”, UMG no longer is using 1920 as it’s base. Now, no matter what your screen resolution is, whether 1920x1080 or 1334x750, you must set your Image to some crazy 1080x605 size. There is no logical reason why it should behavior this way. UMG Editor should always work on 1920x1080 as base, and the only thing always changing should be DPI Scale (shown at bottom down).

Hello Esidar,

After taking a quick look. This appears to be working as intended. The reason that the size of the Y is around 605 is because 607.5 is 16/9 the size of 1080. I have provided an example below. I hope that this information helps.


Make it a great day

Yes, I know how this value is calculated, I’m questioning reasoning :slight_smile: If you leave default DPI setting to “Shortest” you will work in 1920x1080 space no matter what DPI or aspect ratio. Just like I’ve shown on first pic, aspect ratio is 16:9, resolution is 1334x750 but you are still working in a 1920x1080 space (meaning, positions you put in a widget are ALWAYS going to be in 1920x1080 space no matter what). That however changes when you switch DPI setting (Project setting) to “Longest”. Suddenly space changes to 1080x607. And again no matter what resolution you pick or what aspect ratio (16:9, 4:3, etc) it is still going to be 1080x607 in virtual space.

With “Shortest” setting if you set 1080p resolution (which is 1920x1080) your layout will fit perfectly into 1920x1080 space with 1:1. For example having image that is size 100x100 will be displayed on screen as 100x100. If you change resolution to lets say 1334x750, your image 100x100 will still be the same size on screen due to scaling 1920x1080 space into new resolution. However if you keep 1080p resolution and change setting to “Longest”, then suddenly your 1920x1080 layout doesn’t match 1080p resolution and you need to change that image (which is 100x100 on screen) to 56x56 because you’re working in 1080x607 space now.

I think UMG editor should always work in 1920x1080 space no matter what setting. This space should be consistent in both “Shortest” and “Longest”.

Hello Esidar,

You will need to change your curve once you change from “shortest” to “longest”. I made up a quick example of a curve that you could use to get the desired result of 1920 by 1080 in your widget. Could you try adjusting your curve to the one provided below and let me know if you are still having issues.

Yep, after changing a curve it is working as I’ve expected (editor is working in 1920x1080 in Longest). Thanks!

For now I’m going to accept it as something that needs to be done, although it would be awesome to have it explained in documentation: why there’s a DPI curve (what it does) and when one would need non-linear curve, as it seems now that default curve, and this modified for Longest Side, are both linear.