[UMG] Dynamic widgets and gamepad control - still not out of the box in Unreal?

Good day to everyone!
I’m working on Inventory widget for my game a couple of weeks, but one thing doesn’t going well at all - making dynamically filled widget works with gamepad. Let me explain my workflow with images:

  1. First of all, I’m created my Inventory widget with scroll box in it.

  1. When contructing inventory, I’m dynamically adding my Item widgets (which is just buttons) to that scroll box.

  1. So here it is my Inventory widget filled with Item widgets

Here goes the problem. When I’m focusing to the first item with my gamepad, everything going well - Item get’s focused and I can’t use that button. But if I trying to select another item - focus going to be dissapear at all and can’t get it back.

I guess it’s because some of “Widget in Widget” things going not well? How can I make it work?
Why Unreal navigation path of widgets are not so simple to understand?

Yarpoplar, can you add some screenshots of the inventory widget blueprint visual script

Just found a sollution for that problem!
Despite than Button in Item Widget set IsFocusable=true, the main Item Widget IsFocusable set to false. Just set IsFocusable of parent widget to true will solve the problem

seandennis, sorry for disturbing you! :slight_smile:

no problem yarpoplar, if you have any other problems just message. the UE4 community are willing to help