Good day to everyone!
I’m working on Inventory widget for my game a couple of weeks, but one thing doesn’t going well at all - making dynamically filled widget works with gamepad. Let me explain my workflow with images:
- First of all, I’m created my Inventory widget with scroll box in it.
- When contructing inventory, I’m dynamically adding my Item widgets (which is just buttons) to that scroll box.
- So here it is my Inventory widget filled with Item widgets
Here goes the problem. When I’m focusing to the first item with my gamepad, everything going well - Item get’s focused and I can’t use that button. But if I trying to select another item - focus going to be dissapear at all and can’t get it back.
I guess it’s because some of “Widget in Widget” things going not well? How can I make it work?
Why Unreal navigation path of widgets are not so simple to understand?