I am having a problem with the reliability of UMG drag and drop.
Sometimes (very rare, maybe .5% of the time) OnDrop is not fired when it should be.
Also, if the player is using windowed mode and they drag the drag widget outside the game and drop it, is there anyway to detect it is outaside of the viewport, or anyway to fire an event to say the drag and drop is finished and it was unhandled?
here is a capture of my project
So i just went to the editor to get some screenshots,
This is the payload set up. worth noting i tried separating the visual widget and the payload, no dice.
it took 8 mins to make it fail, but i got there. there is an error message that only happens when the bug fires.
is there something i am doing wrong here? worth noting that all 3 error messages come up if the bug fires, otherwise they will not.
The second one relates to a Mouse up function
And the first one relates to a set pin that passes back a struct. The function itself works, but even if it was buggy it would not return an operation, it would return a empty struct i guess.
it also has no relate to the drag and drop and is used for displaying the description text of the item
note: that branch node does not connect to anything in the picture (the one going south).
so, i’m not sure if i’m doing it wrong, or maybe this behavior has been seen elsewhere?
Here is a video
If i can find a way to handel unhandled drops, then i can fix this error by just returning the payload to where it was when this rarely happens- and also stop users losing there items for accidentally dropping there handguns into windows explorer! (opps!)