UMG Drag & Drop Operation Drag Start 0, 0 position

hi, i was doing drag and drop operation. It starts dragging from 0, 0 point. There was a solution for another issue but it didn’t work for me

Video: - YouTube

Not a solution, but an observation. Shouldn’t you be implementing dragging in the draggable widget instead, rather than the parent container. The visual will then be created using that widget’s geometry.

Or are you just demonstrating the issue?

Hi! Everynone is right. You add drag and drop code in container widget and in card also. Is there special reason for that?

While doing the drag in the draggable widget will mitigate the issue (or mask it well if their sizes match!) I remember having to deal with it some point, similar to this:

Image from Gyazo

This only manifest if you create a separate widget for drag visual. Can’t recall whether I even found the solution in UMG.

my problem is just drag. starting position is always 0, 0

What we’re saying is that is that you detect drag in the container, but should be doing it in the draggable widget. That’s why you’re seeing the drag visual created so far away from the cursor…