Hi ,
Unfortunately I stil lhave not been able to reproduce this on my end. Is there any other information that could potentially produce this on our end? Additionally, have you tried 4.4.3 to see if this update fixes the error?
Hi ,
Unfortunately I stil lhave not been able to reproduce this on my end. Is there any other information that could potentially produce this on our end? Additionally, have you tried 4.4.3 to see if this update fixes the error?
I tried 4.4.3, still the same crash (again with the launcher download and fresh ShooterGame).
I’ll try to think of some other factors that could cause this plus I want to test something. Will get back to you soon.
Hi ,
We have not heard from you in quite some time. I am marking this thread as answered for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing this error, please comment with updated logs, callstack, and reproduction steps. Thank you!
I “fixed” the crash, info:
Unreal Engine 4.4, UMG enabled, ShooterGame code.
Crash Reproduction
The problem seems to lie with **UShooterGameViewportClient::AddViewportWidgetContent". I’m not sure what exactly it is, but if I comment out all the code except Super::… it won’t crash anymore. Maybe some reference is left over somewhere in ShooterGame’s custom ViewportClient code.
Hi ,
I was able to reproduce this on my end and have entered in a bug report, TTP#348172 to be assessed by the development staff. Thank you!
I’m also experiencing this issue. Sadly I don’t know C++ and was hoping to simply build on top of the ShooterGame with blueprint. I also tried launching a new game window instead of playing in the current window. It crashes the entire editor anyway. Also getting the same error message regarding drive D:\ even though that’s not my local computer.
Its been 7 months, any chance we’re going to see this fixed?
Hi TorQueMoD,
Unfortunately this is a bug that is still under assessment. I do not have a timeframe of when it will be fixed. I have updated the bug report, now under UE-730 to reflect that this is still occurring as of 4.7.5