[UMG] Combo Box

Is there a way to change the text color or change the font that is used by the Combo Box (String) UMG Widget? As far as I can see in the style for it, only the button, the arrow and the menu border are able to be configured.

Also, whenever replacing the arrow image, there seems to be an “automatic tint” of 0, 0, 0, 1 applied to it as shown below.

The down arrow should look exactly like in the preview on the right side, instead it is completely tinted out.

Still looking for a solution.

I don’t think there is one. I tried everything available in the details panel.

If that is the case I would like to make a formal request to epic.

Still no news?

I don’t think Epic has looked at this thread yet :frowning:

Yes, and there is no way to get the index of the selected item :frowning:

My workaround for that was:

  • OnSelectionChanged
  • Selected Item → Switch on String
  • Create a case for each string
  • Set an int value for each case
  • Profit

Yes, nice, this is my workaround…

Still looking for a solution for this.

Just looked at this again in 4.8, still no fix

Yes, so many new stuff but there are so many elementary function that need to be updatet :frowning:
I speak a lot with the German UE community who also wait of elementary fixes and updates… Arrays in Structs is also a real pain in my neck…

Hope Epic change their focus.

Can anyone at epic take a look at this and let us know what the plans are (if any) for combo boxes?

Seems to be a bug. Perhaps move this to the Bug Report section? I’m interested in this fix as well.


I do not think it is a bug, but a suggestion section.

This should not be a suggestion. This is closer to a bug.

It would be a bug if replacing the arrow did nothing (the graphic is just perma tinted black).

It would be a suggestion if we couldn’t change the arrow.

We can however change the arrow (so it’s not a suggestion) but the graphic for it is wrong (which is closer to a bug).

I will be making an entry in the bug section once I do an update to 4.8 on the project if this is still not resolved.

Just checked 4.8.1, changing the arrow on a combobox still does absolutely nothing more than tracing a black shape over whatever image you feed it there. Changing the tint does absolutely nothing. If I still don’t get anything, I think I’m moving this to the bug forum.

do it! i think they just don’t care!
i just can repeat, so many new stuff in the new releases but the interfacebuilder is still in alpha it seems!!!

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Hello .,

I saw your question and thought that it would make a good feature request so I did some digging and found that this has been requested (UETOOL-86) and that it has been sent to the developers for further consideration. I went ahead and bumped up the community interest for this issue as well. I hope that this information helps.

Edit: Added workaround

Here I deleted the canvas panel and made the text block a variable.

I created a new OnGeneratedWidget event for the Combo box.


I then used the event to create a widget with the custom text in it.

Make it a great day

Hey ,

Greatly appreciate you looking at this, but I’m a little confused about the “workaround”.

How does it help the problem with the arrow icon?