Node Example:
UMG Button Pressed, FingerID + Pressed=True stored.
(InGame, Cutscene happens,) so Disable Input used.
During this time that “input is ignored”, player releases UMG Button.
(Ingame, Cutscene is over)Enable input used, player attempts too use button, but cannot.
Button still retains the original ID + Value, even if new presses are sent.
Two button modes exist:
Pressed up and down:
Method above.
Precise click:
ID is not saved. BUT, moving finger 1 Pixel resets button(very annoying too the player) Will retain Value "pressed=True"(if player releases input, while, "input is ignored"), which can be refreshed by simply clicking button, because no ID is stored.
How can this problem be resolved:
Me: I may not know of a setting, or node that refreshes buttons
Epic: Add a line of C++ code too “Enable Input” node stating “?Widget Input Check?”
Epic: Change the precise click, too work within the image size, or widget defined size.
Presently must say something like “Touch 1” is ???X ???Y OnTick is still ???X ???Y
Epic: Add node Widget Input Check, which can be added too Enable input