UMG Button stops working after multiple clicks

Paper 2D:
Blueprint from Menu widget blueprint.
Button locks up after 3 presses.
First press, Make the Widget Inventory - Works
Second press, Toggle collapsed or hidden on Widget Inventory - Works
Third press, Toggle visible on Widget inventory - Works
Same time as Third press, UMG freezes

Button spawns and controls visibility of another widget.

Branch on isValid
Creates and shows if not, returning a reference.
Branch on visiblity.
Check Visibility, branch to (collapse or hidden), or visble.
Third time i press the button it stops responding.

Any reason you arent just using the flipflop node? I suspect its because “collapsed” is NOT the same as not visible"

I tested flip flop before posting this.
I tried that branch three different ways and each way hangs the button on press 3.

Solution was to remove the widget from the parent and not attempt to toggle visibility.