Umg button not swapping level when I package the game.

So i put a question on the answerhub, but as yet no replies. My issue is an odd one. I have a UMG set to open a level when one of the buttons is pressed. It swaps the level fine in the editor but when i package to an exe file the UMG button just reopens the default game map (which is obviously the map that i start the game in) and not the new level that it should do.
If i set the levels to open through the level blueprint instead, and assign the level change to a keyboard key then everything works fine… Not sure what i’m doing wrong. Hopefully one of you kind people can point me in the right direction or at least have an idea of what i’m doing wrong. I assume i need to override the default game map somehow. I’ve attached the UMG button setup, but i don’t see what i’m doing wrong here…
Any help gratefully received.

Solved my own issue. Was an issue with not adding the levels to load under the advanced project settings. The answer to this question below covered the same issue