UMG Button is clickable only once via Widget Interaction


TL;DR: Even when following official docs the widget interaction “click” works only on the first time and no more after that.

I’ve created a blank new FirstPerson project in UE 5.1 to test it, then I’ve set up the simpliest configuration possible:

  • TestWidget having a single plain Button.
  • Button has its OnClick event bound to PrintString(“Hello”).
  • An TestActor that contains a Widget component. Widget class is set to TestWidget.
  • Player Character has the Widget Interaction component
  • The Interaction component is bound to LMB input to perform PressPointerKey (LMB) and then ReleasePointerKey (LMB)
  • The TestActor is placed in the level.

That’s all. Now the replication steps:

  1. Start game
  2. Point to the button. It responds with hover effect.
  3. Click. The button emits OnClick and string “Hello” is printed out.
  4. Click second time. No events are emitted anymore and the button stops responding to hover as well.
  5. This state won’t change anymore.

I tried experimenting with Focusable, Collision settings, even tried to debug whether the button has got stuck in focus (and it hasn’t.) and many other things.

It looks to me like it just does not work.

Can anyone please help?

Okay, after four hours and making a post here, it seems I finally got it working.

Setting the Button’s “Interaction/Advanced/Click method” to Precise click worked for me. No idea why and it’s not written anywhere. Good luck.

Hey there…I’d like to add onto this in case someone can shed some light. I am having this exact same issue and tearing my hair out. I followed the above, had completely forgotten about that option myself. For me it didn’t work. It is doing the same thing as mentioned at the start of this post where you can click on a button but you can’t select anymore. It’s like something is consuming it and not releasing it. I’m still investigating as I desperately need to get this project out, so any advise would be much appreciated.


Same issue as above. Engine version: 5.3.1
Setting the button’s click method settings did not help.
This is most certainly not “resolved” yet.

I forgot to mention I’m using 5.2 version of the engine. Yesterday I created a quick dummy test menu from scratch but the exact same thing happened. It fired once but doesn’t fire again. We’re getting pressure from the client so anyone anyone at all please any further information it would be great to hear from you. I’m using Input Mapping but that shouldn’t matter. I might even re-create new input mappings just to check but I suspect it won’t change anything.


Ok I am now elated with joy! My stupidity here. When you’re so close to a project you sometimes skip the bleeding obvious and in my case I had accidently put some code that was the same so it was never going to release and let you move to another menu item. Now this is 100% fully working. For anyone who’s troubleshooting just make sure you have this hooked up, take note of the Completed, I had accidently connected up Press Pointer Key to Completed instead of Release Pointer Key!!! I’m not sure how to attach an image to this post so where you have the input action for interaction in triggered you have the “Press Pointer Key” and the Widget Interaction connected as target with the Key being the Left Mouse Button. For Completed you connect the Release Pointer Key with of course the Widget Interaction connected to Target and Left Mouse Button as the Key. Good luck everyone!

Hey there I just resolved it for me. Have a look at what resolved it for me…stupidity on my half but it might help. Good luck!

If you are using a mouse button as the key you also have to RELEASE on the complete. See pic.

i had the same problem here by my self. but i got it solved by that as well


I’m using 5.3, for me, I checked “Received Hardware Input” and that worked for me. Just make sure nothing else is blocking the widget and all other settings are configured correctly.