UMG Binding updating even disabled

I have a Text on my widget binded to a function, that function is called even if the text isn’t enabled or visible, how can I make that function only be called when the Text is enabled?

And what is a pure function?


It’s not updating, it’s just displaying. The update is happening elsewhere ( presumably ).

You can stop it displaying.

If you want to hide it, use a bind on visibility:

EDIT: It will always call the display bind, so you can just use another variable to say when to hide the field.

No, I want to disable the binding update, as I can see it updates every frame, I want to update only when it’s visible, in the images I show that even if the text is hidden and disable it still updating.
Anyway thanks for your reply.

Found the solution, don’t use binding, feeling dumb, I’m now using Set Text to set the text whenever I need, thank you for the help!

You need to set it to Collapsed, not Hidden. This way bindings would not update. At least I tested it for Textproperty binding.