I’m not sure if this is a bug or if I’m just doing it wrong.
I’m trying to create overlay graphics, in this case a lower third super bar, in UMG for use in sequencer. I’m calling the animation once in a sequencer event track. When I play it back in the editor, it plays once. When I render the level sequence it plays twice.
As a start I have widget with a simple boarder and child text widget that has an on animation and an off animation, both only a half second long.
In the level blueprint I create the super bar widget, save it as a variable, and play the off animation on creation. I also have events that play the on and off animations.The play animation function is always called with Num Loops to Play set to 1.
In the level sequence editor, I have a single event track. I have two keyframes per super bar. One triggers the animate on event. The other, 100~ frames latter, calls the animate off event. 25~ frames latter (I’m in PAL land, so that is a second) different events are trigged for different widget animations.
When I play the game (the level blueprint plays the level sequence immediately after creating the widgets and setting them to the viewport) with the level blueprint open I can clearly see that the event is called once, triggering the onScreen animation. The widget then stays in position until the offScreen animation is played. It is then off screen forever, while other widget animations are played.
When I instead render the level sequence from Sequencer (png, 25 fps, 1080p, show hud, cinematic mode), the resulting animation plays the onScreen animation twice, after a slight delay (about 1 second): the first super onScreen animation plays once, the widget sits in place for about a second, then disappears off screen as the animation is played again. It then sits there for another two seconds before the offScreen animation is played. This happens for all animations that I call as an event.
I’m running UE 4.12 Preview 5
Thanks for the assistance.
EDIT: Blueprint screenshots