For my Low Poly content on the market place it provides 7 maps for the user to view, but only 3 of the maps actually appear in the map folder when importing content into a project. There are 7 map for sure provided with the package, and they can all be viewed in the Vaultcache folder. Everything I have tried to get the maps to be viewable inside the editor hasnt worked. I cant even import/drag and drop the Umap into the editor because UE4 says it is an unknown format. Why does UE4 not recognize its own formats when importing? Ive had these same issues when trying to import Uassets that dont appear in the editor, even after restarting.
Hi ,
- Does this occur in a clean, blank project with no additional content or is it limited to one project?
- What steps are you taking to migrate the content?
It happens whenever I add content to a project, either being a clean project or not. This is only happening with my Stylized Low Poly Environment on the marketplace, Stylized Low Poly Environment in Environments - UE Marketplace
The only steps I can take is to try and drag and drop all the maps from my Vaultcache content and override the already existing maps in the project. Dragging and dropping the umap from explorer to the edtior produces the error “UMAP file type unsupported”.
Have you tried adding the content to an existing project by using “Add to Project” through the launcher? Additionally, if it is in one project, try using the “migrate” function within the content browser. Does this work?
I have tried both of these and neither of them work.
I’ve attempted to move the maps between projects using three different methods - migration, add to project, and copy/paste in windows explorer. I did not get the error you are seeing. Do you have any other steps I can take to reproduce this on my end?
Im just wondering, do you have access to my specific files? Because I havent had this issue with any other content, just only with my content on the marketplace.
I have access to the Stylized Low Poly Environment yes. I requested permissions to be able to adequately test your bug.
And you’re not getting the same problem? Ive had a few customers email me about the problem, so I dont think its isolated to my computer. It seems the AlpineForestTemplate, ForestTemplate, IslandTemplate, Overview, and test maps are all corrupt or something because those are the ones that dont appear in the editor.
Can you send me your dxdiag and launcher logs? The launcher logs can be found by pressing the gear icon at the top of the launcher.
Here you go. Dropbox - File Deleted
Hi ,
Are you trying to open your 4.11 maps in 4.10 possibly? If so this will not work. The 4.11 maps cannot be opened in previous engine versions.
The maps were made in 4.10, and I am attempting to open them in 4.10 as well.
Hi ,
Our marketplace team will be contacting you via Zendesk for additional assistance. After we looked through your assets, we have found that the 4 maps you mention are listed as 4.11 maps, which means a change was made in the maps and it was saved in 4.11 at some point and will no longer be able to be opened via 4.10 or any other previous engine version. They will be able to assist you further in addressing what may have occurred on Zendesk.