I started to build light in my scene when my computer froze when Swarm Agent was at 90%. And now when I try to load up that level I get the error “Failed to load map! F:/Unreal Projects/CharactersOfLove/Content/Maps/Example_Map.umap appears to be an asset file.”
I’ve checked a similar thread but couldn’t work it out. All other levels work just fine.
Here’s a download for the map and the log files for today
Does this occur in a blank project with no additional content or is it limited to the one map? Additionally, what steps had you taken prior to building lighting. For instance, what changes have been made to the project before lighting was built again?
It also occurs in a blank project and is only limited to that one map only.
The steps I did before the light build was nothing particular. Adding meshes and BSPs into the scene and fixing with blueprints.
The freeze might have been hardware related since I’ve noticed one of my HDDs have been acting strange lately, but I still find it a bit weird that UE4 probably have corrupted the files when it was starting the light build.
Can you post your dxdiag here so we can have a look? Perhaps I can see something that could be causing the problem. Additionally, check to make sure that there are no exception violations with your antivirus program. While I highly doubt it is the case, we have seen instances where antivirus programs block Swarm Agent from finishing its jobs which can cause problems.
This may or may not work, but try re-naming the map to something different. There have been different issues with using the example_map name after a time. I highly doubt this is the issue you are experiencing but it is best to go ahead and rule it out now.
That is good news! If this occurs again please post back with updated logs and callstack. For now I will mark this as answered for tracking purposes. Just in case it does occur again I would highly recommend keeping a backup copy of the map.
Also, double check your UE4 engine build version. I got this error trying to open a 4.10 map in the 4.8 editor. That doesn’t work so well! Make sure the engine is up to date with the project’s version number!