Um.... I might lose my $%#! mind

Logged in to Unreal today to continue a project… went to my vault to resize some assets and was welcomed by this:

This better be a bug. I am hoping others here have seen this and know a fix. I’ll try restarting my machine but if you’re gonna tell me I’ve lost EVERY asset I’ve purchased and downloaded… i might just lose it a little.

ok - it was a glitch. Thank the gods.

I purchased a free asset and once I did, everything my in vault reappeared.

Just in case it happens to anyone else…

EDIT: That being said, is anyone else having an issue adding assets to your project?

It’s just sitting there… not adding…


no issues with ue library but ue marketplace in the epic games app does not work, it shows “thats odd something should be here blah blah blah” i think cuz marketplace & more is switching over to another app its causing issues.

Hey there @RLK_III! There is a current bug with the vault in EGS that sometimes causes the client not to recognize the assets in the vault. Restarting the client often corrects this, but in extreme cases users needed to reset their vault locations. After resetting the client, does adding the assets to a project still fail?