Powerful dialogue system with built-in character animation (UE4 Marketplace).
Included animations overview: UD01 - YouTube
Documentation: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tMq…sCexERSQ-/view
Old Demo Projects
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Tutorial Videos
Powerful dialogue system with built-in character animation (UE4 Marketplace).
Included animations overview: UD01 - YouTube
Documentation: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tMq…sCexERSQ-/view
Old Demo Projects
Demo Videos
Tutorial Videos
Are some animations included?
[Full Body with root motion] Step Back
[Full Body with root motion] Step Forward
[Full Body with root motion] Step Back, then forward to the same position
[Full Body loop] - in conversation, not talking
[Full Body loop] - in conversation, talking
[Upper Body] Right hand gestures - 3, left hand gestures - 3, both hands - 3
[Head] - Shake
[Head] - Tilt Back
[Head] - Tilt Left
[Head] - Tilt Right
[Head] - Nod
Hi Yuri, I was wondering why is the Lip Sync stuff not part of the Ultimate Dialogue Plugin, can you merge both? Unfortnatly I cannot effort your plugins at this time, but I want to add synced audio voice to these https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaCOYXtXhxk&feature=youtu.be Character Creator 3 characters. If you want I can send you a dummy character so you can take a look at the morph targets, if you want?
And do you know if 4.21 supports animation curves for full facial animations?
I don’t have good lip-sync. My another plugin (link below) requires a lot of twitches to get acceptable result, and it’s not good for high-quality projects. I could make a bundle, but don’t think that it makes sense. Preferable solution for lip-sync - FaceFX, which is quite expensive ($900).
Of course, I’m saying about real-time lip-sync. Pre-created lip-sync animations can be used with this plugin.
Okay, and thanks for the tip with FaceFX, though I need real-time. However, I do not really need perfect or super good sync, and I would prefer one solution for facial emotions, and I can only pay around fifty euro. Will follow your very interesting projects and if a chance emerges will try them out.
FaceFX is real-time, and very good. For example, Bioware used FaceFX in their games. But - it’s expensive. $900 for FaceFX Studio + royalty from renevue above $500,000.
That’s how my dialogue plugin looks with Text To lip-sync plugin: https://youtu.be/U6yz2XchM64 . As I said, it’s far from perfect.
May be you’re right, and I should combine these two plugins in a bundle.
Oh Wow, this “is” perfect for my needs! Just need to check how I would have to adjust your UE default setup to Character Creator 3 facial morphs. Another tester mentioned he had issue when using CC2. Please PM me if you want to check out a CC3 dummy default setup, or need a beta tester!
Yes, you can send me your mesh at [EMAIL=“ykasczc@gmail.com”]ykasczc@gmail.com. And don’t buy the plugins for now, please. I’ll make some discount but bundle. It’s too expensive for single developers.
Will send you this weekend, or on Monday a model. I think a bundle and more affordable pricing is a very wise decision, because market appears already saturated with solutions for dialog, available at the market place or for free via tutorials, and most active developers likely have already something in place, implemented. A more affordable pricing offers incentives for more low level indie devs and encourages devs with dialog already in place to try out the new options. Also in my opinion an initial release discount provides extra incentives, can help to establish a new product on the market with user base and ratings. Cheers!
This plugin isn’t just dialogue system, it’s dialogue + character animation + content (20 animations). That’s why it’s more expensive then otehr dialogue plugins.
Single indie developers aren’t actually target audience of my main plugins (Vive Mocap and this), but I’d like to make them affordable for all. Unfortunately, Marketplace doesn’t allow to differentiate prices by size of team or annual turnover or something like that. I’d gladly decrase prices for indies.
Is it possible to
No, unfortunately.
Update 2019/04/05: Full-length animations. Data tables to setup animation blueprint.
How to use full-length facial animtion (full-body animations work the same way).
You still need to use gameplay tags as a link between animation blueprint and animation assets. Add tags for all assets either in Data Table or manually in Edit → Project Settings → Gameplay Tags. For example:
Animation.Facial.Phrase01, Animation.Facial.Phrase02, Animation.Facial.Phrase03…
Then build a connection between these tags and animations in animation blueprint (add them in “Face Short Animations”).
You also can use data tables. First, create new data table (Content Browser -> Add New -> Miscellaneous -> Data Table) of type “Animation Data Table Row” and fill it. Idia is the same: GameplayTag -> Animation asset. Names of rows aren’t important.
Then, clear “Face Short Animations” map in the animation blueprint and select newely created table in “Face Shot Animations Table”.
After recompiling, the anim blueprint will fill “Face Short Animations” from the data table.
@YuriNK** I purchase awhile ago with the intent to use a face-cap animation setup like others but was waiting for part 4 tutorial series coming out to integrate. Is part 4 still in development. As well I’ve begun expanding the dialogue ****interactions, my hope is to build the system into something akin to the telltale seriesin which dialogue interactions follow a cinematic approach and could even loop back to previous states depending on choices made. just thoughts in case this plugin is still in developments for updates. I haven’t looked too far past basic tutorials to see if there are advanced camera controls or events to add a QTE while the interaction takes place, or if this system would work with sequencer for that use but any advice on where to start or if ill have to modify the code, or really if it would be too much of a overhaul and should just start from scratch to do this.**
I didn’t record part 4 of the tutorial, because first three parts already covered basics. The plugin is quite low-level. It doesn’t include simplified functions for cut-scenes or QTE, but, at the other hand, plugin is flexible enough, so you can add this functionality manually. And, I assume, it’s a good idea for next part of my tutorial: I’ll show how to integrate the plugin with cut-scene made in sequencer and other advanced features. Hopefully, I’ll release it in the July.
Hi YuriNK,
The demo you showed of the face morphs in action look great.
Can the face morph ‘animations’ be saved (can your plugin play a face morph ‘animation’ without any audible in-game voice audio?).
Does this work with Adobe Fuse CC face morph structure (Please see image of fuse CC face morphs with vertex count below)
In text all the morph targets:
I guess, you mean Text-to-LipSync plugin and not Dialogue plugin?
Unfortunately, answer is no for both questions. Sequencer doesn’t record animation with morph targets, so it can’t be saved. And for proper work of lipsync plugin, mesh needs dedicated morph target for different phonemes (like, for example, meshes in Daz3D studio).
Tutorial, Part 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBA98SDAfnw