Add your new element to the ‘DamageStats/ShootFunctionExt/ServerApplyDamage/ServerSpawnProjectile’, ‘DamageSystemDot_BP/SpawnImpact’ for the Particles, ‘Bullet_Parent’ and ‘DamageSystemPopup_BP’ for the Material.
Fixed that non-Crit sometimes displayed as Critical Attack.
Renamed ServerSpawnProjectileTransform to ServerSpawnProjectile | Don’t panic, you don’t need to replace all used ServerSpawnProjectileTransform nodes in your blueprint after updating!
ServerSpawnProjectileFromID | You can use a specific ID, the ServerSpawnProjectile used your currently ItemID.
ServerSpawnProjectileStruct | Spawn Bullet’s without a specific ItemID.
ServerApplyDamageStruct | Apply Damage without a specific ItemID.
ServerApplyRadialDamageStruct | Apply Damage without a specific ItemID.
2 new options in the Item_DB called "UseElementMaterial(boolean) and “BulletAmount(Int) | 0 = 1 Bullet | 10 = 11 Bullets”.
ServerSetItemStruct | Set the currently ItemID with custom values.
ServerSetGrenadeStruct | Set the currently GrenadeID with custom values.
Fixed that the ServerSpawnProjectile node did not automatically use the BulletClass from the ItemDB.
Fixed the ServerSpawnPopup that you see your own receive Damage from a AI.
Fixed Compile Error.
Simple AI example to show how to use the UDS for AI.
Sorry for the late reply, it depends on how your parent is constructed but you can try this: Player_Parent(UDS) -> Your_Parent -> Character_BP.
Yeah, used a fresh install of 2.5 on a new project to test out the new features.
I’ll try a clean wipe to see if it persists. It was crashing at the exact moment it was calling the enemy’s attack/damage.
Update: Yup, seems to be working fine now. Really impressed.
Hello I briefy went through the installation tutorial so far and had a few questions. Whenever I try and migrate the content folder to my project it say it cannot move all the files. Also I noticed there is a Fx_Meshes files somewhere outside the content folder, I tested it briefy and it defintely looks pretty **** awesome, but im not getting any projectile fx atm. Also Spawn Projectile from I.D. doesnt work so far either. I cannot really test it fully right now since my editor crashes whenever I press a number key so im debugging that right now… just trying to clear up a few installation error ive come across so far TY
Just like Angrytoilet said one post above, I think it would be a great pity if this system did not make it to future UE version/s. Even though I am currently using it with 4.12, I thought of it as a basis for any multiplayer project that we could start.
I have not tried the new version of Unreal Engine yet myself, perhaps I will look into it later on. That said, out of sheer curiosity, as I really like the system, what could the errors mostly be connected to in the new version of UE - I always thought, when talking about blueprints, that errors can only occur in case of deprecated nodes - but was the change between 4.12 and 4.13 really so drastic that it would make the system completely unusable ? (I know many things changed between 4.10 and 4.12 but when looking over the 4.13 change-log I found nothing of particular concerning blueprints, there were however a few fixes in the Datatables module)
I am asking so that I would know where is the best place to start before jumping to error logs.
i thought about buying it and resolving all the issues myself - but - then i thought - what if i dont resolve them? how many are there? what if its a mess and i spend a week resolving it (or more) … would you pay me $1,000 to paint your house so that i can throw the open bucket at your house and make you do the rest? If support after 4.12 is dropping, then, so be it …
its probably deprec. nodes really … thats what i have seen when updating my marketplace stuff to 4.13 when the authors dropped support. Question is, how worth it to you is it? If i already owned it and was running 4.12, it would be worth it. As a new buyer - i would buy it for use in 4.13 at a very reduced rate since i had to rebuild it.