ULevelSequencePlayer handles spawnables incorrectly

Hi again!

This is a collection of issues. Lets go trough them step by step:


1: Stop() behaves incorrectly if sequence is paused.

If one has a ULevelSequencePlayer and one does this:


The ULevelSequencePlayer will not despawn all spawnables as it would if one would just call:



2: Destroying a ULevelSequencePlayer does not make it despawn spawnables.


As the title says this will just leave the spawnables in place. To safely kill a Sequenceplayer right now (accounting for the pause state) one has to:


Which does not make any sense.


3: Pausing a ULevelSequencePlayer does not necessarily freeze playing animations.

If a spawnable with a skeletalmesh component has been recorded with the Animation flag Playing recorded it will continue playing after the sequenceplayer has been paused.

This might be logical from a systemic point of view but is very confusing from the UX perspective.



Reproducing the issues

For every problem reproduction do:

  1. Download the attached project and compile it and open it.
  2. Click the ControlPlugin Button
  3. Click Play in Editor
  4. Make sure to have the Control Plugin window in its own window
  5. Click Create Player in the plugin window
  6. The plugin window will become unresponsive
  7. Click the editor window
  8. Click the plugin window again
  9. The plugin window is now repsonive again
  10. Follow the steps for the individual bugs.


  1. Click play
  2. Click pause
  3. Click stop
    Result: Spawnables do still exist


  1. Click Play
  2. Click Delete Player
    Result: Spawnables are still there

link text

  1. Click play
  2. Click pause
    Result: Animation does not freeze


Thank you for letting us know about these issues, and for providing a sample project that demonstrates them. I was able to reproduce the issues that you described in 4.13 and 4.14. There have been some changes in the Engine that prevented me from being able to test the issues in 4.15, but we believe the issues are likely to still be present there. I have entered UE-42008 to have this investigated further.