UKismetRenderingLibrary::ExportRenderTarget() FileWrite failed to create on Packaged game

Hello, devs!

I have a problem with UKismetRenderingLibrary::ExportRenderTarget(). I’m trying to export a render target to the saved project folder. It works fine on editor, but it doesn’t work on packaged game. I checked the logs and I found this line:

“[2021.01.11-13.15.55:146] 0]Blueprint: Warning: ExportRenderTarget: FileWrite failed to create.”

After a little bit of digging on engine code, I found out that the error comes from the UKismetRenderingLibrary::ExportRenderTarget() function. This is the following code:

        FArchive* Ar = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileWriter(*TotalFileName);
        if (Ar)
            FMessageLog("Blueprint").Warning(LOCTEXT("ExportRenderTarget_FileWriterFailedToCreate", "ExportRenderTarget: FileWrite failed to create."));

So obviously, the error comes from not being able to create a FileWriter. Does anyone know why this is happening? I’m using 4.24.
Also, I tried to create a brand new project from scratch and it works both on Editor and Packaged game…So maybe is not a version bug.