Hi! I’m currently generating an sphere overlap in a bomb that i’m making. Let’s just say I have
FVector ExplosionCenter = GetActorLocation();
and then I use the UKismetSystemLibrary::SphereOverlapActors
to generate an overlap to know which actors to kill
UKismetSystemLibrary::SphereOverlapActors(GetWorld(), ExplosionCenter, 10.0f, ObjectTypes, AActor::StaticClass(), ActorsToIgnore, ActorsToKill);
However, when checking inside the SphereOverlapActors
function, the center vector it receives becomes 0,0,0. Why is that? It also happened to me with the BoxOverlapActors.
I’ve tried from declaring the vector inside the function, to making it const, to sending a manually created FVector, and it hasn’t worked.
And it was working just fine a week ago, now it suddenly went rouge