UImage->SetBrushSize doesn't work anymore in UE5 (was ok in UE4)

I had a game in UE4 which was dynamically creating tiles for a gameboard using UImage and SetBrushSize to set the size of the tile.

But it’s not working anymore in UE5. I see the function is deprecated:

	UE_DEPRECATED(5.0, "Deprecated. Use SetDesiredSizeOverride instead.")
	void SetBrushSize(FVector2D DesiredSize);

but using SetDesiredSizeOverride is not working as well.

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I found out the solution.

Use this instead:

    FSlateBrush mybrush = imageBG->Brush;
    mybrush.SetImageSize(FVector2D(size, size));

it sets the size of the image through the brush, and this actually worked for me.

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Since 5.2 also direct access to the Brush is deprecated. Quickly fixed by creating the new brush using the getter instead.

    FSlateBrush mybrush = imageBG->GetBrush();
    mybrush.SetImageSize(FVector2D(size, size));
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