UI Widget Button Bug?

I opened my project and saw that all of my UI widget buttons throughout the entire project had changed function to try and load a specific level, and when it did it would flicker between the two levels and lock the game up. The previous day all of these buttons worked and functioned as indented and I had made no previous changes to the project before this error showed up. I replaced all of the nodes in the UI BP and in the level BP and the problem still persisted . I also made a clean UI BP in the project and any button I inserted into it had the same problem, and just to really be sure I also uninstalled and reinstalled UE4, and the issue still persisted in the project. Has anyone encountered this issue before?

Added Note:
Just to make sure after that I made a clean untouched project just to check to see if it was problem with my install and the issue was gone.


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