UI Widget Alignment 1 to 1 with viewport?

Without explaining too much about what I’m working on, my desire is to have a 2d flat scene with a lot of information and buttons on it. My UI buttons function correctly, but I’m struggling with alignment and scaling.

The scene needs to display information for player #1 and player #2, so I’m using two separate blueprint widgets. One for all the information regarding player #1 and another for all of player #2’s information. Each of these blueprint widgets are set up to take up one half of the screen.

When I run the game, I’m not getting a accurate reflection of what I see in the viewport of the design panel. I’ve tried playing around with anchors and alignment for some time now with little success, if anyone has any solutions that would be greatly appreciated. Surely there is some way to create a UI widget aligns 1 to 1 of what you see in the design panel.

Thanks for your patients, this is my first question posted here. Much appreciated.