Ui Trouble

Ok :slight_smile:
Im trying to do a resources counter for my UEFN game.

I’m having difficulty with my widgets. I either need a method of displaying more than one widget on the hud at the same time so my resources counters are separate and the stats the are tracking through the Stat Creator device are separated.

Or I need a way to fix my current issue on the single widget I’m using. I have this wigets tracking the stats for both gems and gold. And both stat creator devices are attached to the same widget. My issue is that when one resource is updated by a Stat Counter, they both get updated.

And what’s even more weird is that when I update a single stat, such as gold, this updates both text boxes within the widget making them both display a second stat behind the amount for the first.

Im trying to separate them somehow in the View Bindings tab on the widget but I’m not sure how to make it so the text boxes increment separate from one another on their own respective stat creator value?

Again if this isn’t possible I thought I could use multiple widgets to separate them and have each stat creator on a separate widget. But then how do I overlay them so both widgets can been seen on screen together??

So in my wiget it says I have 2960 gold and 6 diamonds.

But its displaying both amounts in both text boxes and I only want them in the correct one in my widget.

Unless I can again somehow do it on 2 Widgets and then just have them both oevrlayed? How can I septerate the values from the stat counter so it displays on the correct text box in the widget???

I thought that where ive stared made them separated, but it seems they both are collecting data from one another because both stat creators are transmitting to the widget with them both on.

Im not sure if I can select the individual stat creator here in the widget.

Or my other idea of doing them on separate widgets. But then again id need a method of showing both on screen or one would cover the other (as I already tried it by just having two widgets with each resource and each stat tracker transmitting to its respective widget)