UI Navigation 3.0 plugin — Issue with selector

Hi everyone!

I’m having a little issue implementing the UI Navigation 3.0 selector method to my dialogue system.

I have a dialogue widget, and the player options are added to it as childs. Every time the dialogue progresses, the childs are removed and new ones are added. The dialogue widget is a UINav Widget, as well as the Player Options widget is a UINav Component.

My problem is that I wanted to add a selector, but every time I clear the childs form the parent widget, I can’t navigate with keys nor gamepad, and the selector goes literally out of the screen (checked it with print string). Once the dialogue progresses again both selector and keys/gamepad navigation turns back, and that keeps going intermittently every time the dialogue is updated. It’s kinda strange, I can’t understand why the selectors goes off and on in that intermitent way.

I solved the navigation loose focusing on the first widget child after the dialogue update is completed. I don’t find a way to fix the selector issue though, I’d be more than grateful if you could share any idea!

If you need any more info or some blueprints pics I cand send you that for sure!

Take care!