I am trying to show an Image in a WidgetBlueprint which has MaterialInstance as Brush Image. This texture and material has UI setup already.
On Android, Windows and Mac, the thing works fine.
However, when I deploy app to iPhone6 IOS 12.5.6, these materials and material instances are not visible. But if I set Brush Image to single texture, it works fine.
I am totally new to Apple ecosystem (not eco actually :d) and I am totally lost.
This issue may be due to the limitations of the GPU on the iPhone 6. Some GPUs may not support rendering of complex materials and material instances in Unreal Engine on iOS.
Simplify the MaterialInstance: Try reducing the complexity of the MaterialInstance or using a simpler material instead.
Optimize the texture: Make sure that the texture is optimized for iOS devices. You can do this by reducing the texture size, using a different format, or compressing the texture.
Use Metal for rendering and make sure the metal version is supporting the iPhone 6.
So far I removed all material and material instances from my game. It was very time consuming to find solution. I was using them to create color changeable textures with masking textures. Nothing was complicated tho.
Anyway I decided to use single texture with alpha channels to modify color as I needed.
If, in the future, I need materials (or material instances) again, I have to find the problem and create solution.