Hi! Here is a list of suggestions that I think would improve a bit the UI (let me know if any of this is already possible in any way!)
Option to hide Transform gizmos:
Why: Sometimes it gets in the way (some times I’ve translated an object by accident) when trying to select multiple small close objects in perspective view.
Usability: As simple as pressing the current shortcut again, so if we have Translation active, we press W again or Click on the button to hide/disable it. This would leave us in kind of a selection mode.
Option: An actual selection mode could be implemented, with its own button and S key as shortcut. -
Option to Transform with hotkey axis constrain:
Why: For me at least, it’s easier and faster to press the hotkeys than to have to acurately click on the gizmo’s axes.
Usability: For example, W key > Z key > move cursor to translate an object along Z axis > LMB to acept/stop translating. -
Option to copy paste values with ctrl+c and ctrl+v:
Why: It’s two steps less and faster than RMB > Click on copy > RMB > Click on paste
Usability: In transform for example > CTRL+C with the cursor over “Location” copies the full coordinates, CTRL+C with the cursor over a particular axis value, copies just that value.
This should work only when the cursor is in the UI, so there should be a “buffer?” for the viewport and other for the UI. -
Option for LOD materials to be inheritable from the main one.
Why: Unless I’ve missed a way to do this, if we assign a new material to an object with LODs, each LOD material needs to be reassigned manually.
Usability: In the actor’s material properties, we could have a Lock icon in the main material that would work in a similar way the Scale one does.
So we click on the lock icon and we assign a new material to the object, the rest of LOD materials are automatically updated as well. -
Option for the Outliner to Select all attached children from a parent
Why: We should be able to select and hide the whole thing like we can do in groups.
at Viewport CTRL+ALT+C with parent selected selects all children.
at Outliner CTRL+C with a parent selected selects all children. AND/OR ALT+LMB over the parent. AND/OR MMB over parent.
That’s all for now, thanks for your attention.