UEFN Volumetric Clouds?

I’m looking to use the Environment Light Rig to make my sky look more realistic and disabled the Time of Day manager in my world settings to remove the chapter 4 skybox but quickly found out the volumetric cloud actor is missing? Is there a way to control clouds in UEFN without using the chapter 4 skybox?


Just a little update to this for anyone else who may be interested, so the volumetric fog component does not seem to currently be in this UEFN build so as far as disabling the time of day manager and using the environment light rig to make your own personalized sky goes you’ll probably be out of luck, you should be able to make your own custom skybox though if you know how (you would just be missing the same clouds the volumetric cloud component would provide).

That said, rather than using the environment light rig you can use the you can use the “day sequence” device to customize your sun/moon/clouds. You’ll still be using the chapter 4 skybox though and there doesn’t seem to be an option to change the skybox to any Fortnite provided skyboxes you would find in creative 1.0.


Hi NaniLlicious,

I have been experimenting on my side by creating a blueprint actor in the full UE5 editor and migrating the element to UEFN. I got the skybox and custom volume cloud to work on PC, but my cloud disappears on my Xbox Series S. The custom skybox stays. Note that you have to make sure that the shader of the volume cloud does not use any custom code material function, as they are not supported in UEFN yet. I can send you a test invite if you want to test on your side. What is your setup ?

@NaniLlicious @Dimi00798
Unfortunately The undesirable behaviors will result in combining a day sequence device with a directional light or environment light rig, or pretty much anything lighting related as well.
My Day Sequence Device is Lowering FPS and causing extreme Performance Lag and Massive Draw Count, when adding post processing volumes for interiors. This breaks devices as well such as triggers, mutators, and pretty much every device there is. I am unable to light interior caves and the exterior, and I am unable to have the clouds. Very sorry to say this is a deal can break your project and result in many unexpected bugs as well. I believe the day sequence is the root cause of alot of problems.