If you’re having “Found disallowed object type” errors, here is where to post! We’re asking that you post here for failed upload issues so we can properly record and track the errors.
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If you’re having “Found disallowed object type” errors, here is where to post! We’re asking that you post here for failed upload issues so we can properly record and track the errors.
Thank you!
I’ve got a “Found disallowed object type” error in my project.
The object in question is a simple Level Sequencer that has always worked correctly.
The latest changes that caused it to flip out were:
Is this normal behaviour or a bug?
LogValkyrieValidation: Error: Found disallowed object type /Script/LevelSequence.LevelSequenceDirector, Referenced by:Content/Animation/Intro_PirateShip_COPY_2.uasset, Plugin mount point:/PlunderTheCaves.
UEFNValidation: Error: Found disallowed object type /Script/LevelSequence.LevelSequenceDirector, Referenced by:See below for asset list, Plugin mount point:/PlunderTheCaves.
UEFNValidation: Error: /PlunderTheCaves/Animation/Intro_PirateShip_COPY_2
I cannot figure this out. There is Nothing in my sequence that should cause this error. I guess i cannot publish my game. 6 months of work and a pretty necessary gameplay component to have this bug in the content browser.
Level Sequence Director
this bug is not exposed. Please help!
LogValkyrieValidation: Error: Found disallowed object type /Script/LevelSequence.LevelSequenceDirector, Referenced by:Content/Animation/TheShip_Beginning2.uasset, Plugin mount point:/PlunderTheCaves.
UEFNValidation: Error: Found disallowed object type /Script/LevelSequence.LevelSequenceDirector, Referenced by:See below for asset list, Plugin mount point:/PlunderTheCaves.
UEFNValidation: Error: /PlunderTheCaves/Animation/TheShip_Beginning2