UEFN Validation Error: Disallowed Reference to NavigationSystemV1 After UE5 Migration

hi @Reeyawn ,
You can only import assets using
Converting Assets into Props in Unreal Editor for Fortnite | Unreal Editor for Fortnite Documentation | Epic Developer Community
Importing Assets in Unreal Editor for Fortnite | Unreal Editor for Fortnite Documentation | Epic Developer Community

If you try and import from a Migrated Asset in UE5 5.* engine
everything is disallowed in UEFN/Fortnite

UE5 PYTHON Is not supported in UEFN as this is a subset of the Enginr
Disallowed is for anything not imported in Fortnight

Asset Validation Issues - Issues and Bug Reporting / UEFN Validation - Epic Developer Community Forums

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