UEFN to allow players to have multiple VFX

We should be allowed to have multiple VFX on our players. I want to have an outline with invisibility so the player can still be seen slightly. There’s basically no workarounds. Allowing multiple VFX would be so helpful. Not just in this case, but so many others. I don’t see why they have it to where only one VFX can be shown at a time. :lying_face:Really need to change this ASAP.

@NorthProdigy25 Thank you for your feedback. While I cannot guarantee a response, I can confirm that this has been forwarded to the appropriate team.

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Thanks so much!! I just spent half a day going mad wondering why I could not get my head and each foot VFX to attach to the player then it hit me. Only 1 at a time…Kept thinking my foot VFX were spawning below the surface LOL
Would LOVE the ability to attach to each bone at once. Imagine a game where armor upgrade (head chest pants etc…each socket slot needs a VFX attachment powerup) Would be nice but I know its a bit of a big ask.

You can attach up to 5 effects at the same time.

In my maps I add 2 and it works well.
Fiery flights: crown and trail
Frozen Lake: crown and skates

Hi, can you please say how you can apply multiple vfx to the player. I’m working on my project rn and I encountered problem that I can’t use backpack and hat at the same time.

you need to use different index for hat and backpack, for example 2 and 3. If powerups have the same index, they will replace each other on pickup.

Oh, I didn’t think that it’s so simple, thank you so much!