UEFN: 'Save as' Option for creator made islands

So you can copy one island at a time as “Save as” option.

Then expand on that island from there. Or change as needed to create a new game mode/island.

*This would be super cool and help everyone out a lot to create multiple game modes with the hard sweat made precursor island.
**As of right now you can only make (1) island at a time, and its that (1) save file forever, you cannot copy user-friendly with the “Save as” feature. However you can supposedly copy the island/precursor island by changing files and such. Which I wouldn’t personally do because I don’t wanna mess up all my hard work :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you for you time :wink:

*Here is a video reference (patch) of how to copy islands currently, that I do not take credit for, besides reference :wink:

@RickisThirsty Thank you for your feedback. While I cannot guarantee a response, I can confirm that this has been forwarded to the appropriate team.

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I was looking for a Save As option just now. Thought I’d search the forums on how, thinking I was only blind in finding it. Sad to know it doesn’t fully exist :') I want to make some major changes to my island (i think). would love a new ‘save as’ copy before doing it, incase i mess up and change my mind and want to go back to what i had before.

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