I am always trying to push Fortnite’s graphics realism , i find it challenging. Despite of the 400MB limit and numerous errors. I am pretty happy so far with the progress. Cool thing is all my maps are optimized so even consoles can play. Heres a after and before so far.
Thats cool @jsfilmz
thanks! im having to keep redoing it im having collision issues with the cars.
i lovee it please don’t give up you got this
its out now! 5360-4828-3395
baby oil 1000 deathrun? lmaoo
Okay so the only reason I’m going
Fortnite iOS
I’m I’m just saying
Hey @jsfilmz it is so nice to see you continuing to push the limits beyond what most haven’t been able to accomplish especially with all of the regular releases impacting stability and numerous errors! You are staying strong and such an inspiration by sticking with it!
Thank you for all you do.
thanks man!
Ok ok
I have added post process devices to my island such as retro, dark, rain, frost exct. They work as intended in test mode, but do not work once the island is published. Has anyone had this issue? If so, how can it be resolved?
This looks awesome, good job I’m guessing the look desaturated look was with a filter (forgot the device / setting) right?
Does this still work? Would you mind explaining in general how you’re animating a custom mesh? I’m switching from UE5 to UEFN for a game competition and I have no idea how to do it now that I’m not using the chaos vehicle plugin.