UEFN Memory help or tips request

I have about 50k memory on devices.
Because of that I only use minimal design elements:
1 floor, 1 wall, 1 type of crate, which I only copy and paste to save up memory.
I try to make as many Global devices as possible, that other trackers call upon.
Like round score etc.

Can someone tell me if and which the following items bloat memory.
Or what perhaps to do to optimize it?

1 - Making multiple folders in the outliner for oganisation?

2 - Have long item label names in the outliner. Does this matter?

3 - Long billboard texts? I have 65 billboards total memory 5070.
What else could I use, to write text that takes up less memory?

4 - Two sided billboards vs 1 sided, does that matter?

5 - Does size of items matter? (example GrayBox Solid Wall) scaling to 6x6 size vs having 6 tiles of 1x1 size.

7 - Does mutator zone size matter? 100x100 vs 3 mutator zones of 3x3.

7 - Does it help to set items invisible from start and only activate them with a trigger?
Or does triggering things only add more memory, and should I just load everything on start?

8 - I try and make solid visual blocking rooms, so you don’t load everything inside it on start. But it does not seem to matter for memory?
Should I do something with those solid walls to make them stop loading everything inside them?

9 - Streaming /World Partition saved 4000 memory on the first load.
But on the second save, it added 3000 without making any changes.
Does it help to put things very far apart to lower memory?
When I fly around / run around nothing with the memory seems to change at al. Even at a far distance.

  1. Grid planes - I oversized them to 250x250, but now with streaming they sometimes won’t load. Is multiple grid planes better?
    One per streaming world grid box?

I’ve studied the memory log. But it is really hard to figure out why the memory constantly changes in between game test sessions.
Even without changing anything.

I hope someone has some extra tips or tricks :slight_smile:

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I also have these questions, someone please give some help here :blush:

Hello all,

For a good overview, watch this video about optimization.

Interesting questions, I’ll give them a shot with some of my quick thoughts/assumptions.

  1. No
  2. No
  3. No (It’s the billboard device itself probably)
  4. No, but maybe a tiny difference in FPS
  5. No, scale does not matter.
  6. No, scale does not matter.
  7. Visible and Invisible things are included in memory calculation
  8. That would help with “culling”, an FPS improvement, not memory
  9. Yes, things would need to be far apart in the X / Y axis (Vid mentions this)
  10. Most of the memory cost should just be for the first grid plane.
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Have you played with the loading range in World Settings, all the actors with Is Spatially Loaded depend on this setting.

I have a map with ~7000 actors, it was well over 100k but moved everything apart and got it down to the 80k’s.

8 - I don’t think we have that functionality, UEFN Blocking refers to blocking an actor from going somewhere, It would be nice to have something like a loading volume that doesn’t load contained actors until it’s entered or something.

Thank you for all your answers.
How far apart would they need to be on X / Y to make a difference?

At the moment I got it all down to 83k memory.
But things are not really “designed” now.
Mostly simple shapes with colors. And I’m trying to solve everything with the most basic shapes.

Thank you for your help. The blocking walls seem to help with getting the FPS down.

How far apart do you have to go, in order to get the memory to go down?
I tried testing, but it is rather difficult to figure out.

You’re welcome!

The distance would be determined by World Partition grid size. I think you’d want it a few grid tiles away since adjacent cells might be loaded.

There was a slide in that video where it shows both of the sections at once. Having it “really far” away should not impact overall performance.

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