I am looking at a coin collecting game with a pick up method that will allow one player to collect coins but still let others who haven’t yet picked up the coin to be able to still see and pick it up. Similar to those 100+ escape room levels. I tested with a second PC and by default the players are competing for the same coin.
Is it possible to switch between them easily to have some coins to be for all individuals and some be for the first one to get there?
Another question I have is there a better way to allocate coins to this list? I may have dozens or more coins in the level when I am done and having a massive long list doesn’t seem the best way.
If you use the Collectible Object from Devices, this has the Consume if Collected By - Self setting which enables it to disappear for the collectee, but remains for those who haven’t collected it.
It also can award a score on pickup.
There are a few other settings in there, otherwise I guess you can use your current system or an item spawner for one offs.
On looking at the docs more, I take back what I said before about using an item spawner for a one off coin and think that with the Collectible Object, the Consume if Collected By - Anyone, does this (not quite sure).