Is it possible to create a simple scoreboard with any sort of global rank or global high score display in a game - like highest top 10 player scores, or heck, even very highest 1 HOF “top score to beat” or anything like that?
I assume not, since I can’t find anything except score_manager_device in Verse and the Save Point Device in Creative - neither of which appears to help?
Is this correct?
If so, is there any chance Epic is (or is planning) to add some sort of minimal game storage with the ability for Verse or a creative device to write/read from it?
We cannot save data in UEFN at the Moment.
And even with that a world leaderboard would be impossible to do. Idk if Epic Is planning to add this, but you make and update the scoreboard manually, saying people to send their record to you on Twitter.
Being able to save Verse const and var would be awesome
And even with that a world leaderboard would be impossible to do.
Why? Each island already has universal attributes, such as name, description, etc.
I don’t see why each, at the simplest concept level, couldn’t also have a “top score” field.
Writing to that would not need to be speedy. Verse, or a device, could simply serialize new submissions, and those that qualify would be stored. When an island starts, each session could simply have access the last saved “top score” value.
And if that can be done, then expand from one attribute, to several such as: top => “score”, “player name”, “time”, and “submitted”.
And why stop there, simply expand that to an array of 10.
Done. Full 10 slot leaderboard that island developers could use however they wanted.