So I have little to no experience with coding, but I was watching a Tutorial on how to make a functioning gun game with UEFN and Verse Code. I got it all to work but when the game ends, there’s no scoreboard/end screen, It just ends and the video I was watching didn’t explain how to add one after the game ends. I’ve looked everywhere and haven’t had luck. Does anyone know how to do this to make this work?
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { /}
using { / }
See Create Your Own Device Using Verse for how to create a verse device.
A Verse-authored creative device that can be placed in a level
Game_Manager_Device := class(creative_device):
# Map data structure that stores players as the key
# and current WeaponTier as the value
var PlayerMap : [player]int = map{}
# Item granters stored in an array so we can give the player
# new weapons
var WeaponGranters : []item_granter_device = array{}
# Array of bot for beating up and testing
var Sentries : []sentry_device = array{}
# This is how we end the game later
EndGameDevice : end_game_device = end_game_device{}
var ElimsToEndGame : int = 20
# Runs when the device is started in a running game
set ElimsToEndGame = WeaponGranters.Length;
InitPlayers() : void=
AllPlayers := GetPlayspace().GetPlayers()
for (Player : AllPlayers, FortCharacter := Player.GetFortCharacter[]):
if (set PlayerMap[Player] = 0, WeaponTier := PlayerMap[Player]):
GrantWeapon(Player, WeaponTier)
GrantWeapon(Player : player, WeaponTier: int) : void=
Print("Attempting to grant weapon")
if (ItemGranter := WeaponGranters[WeaponTier]):
Print("Granted item to player")
OnPlayerEliminated(Result : elimination_result) : void=
Eliminator := Result.EliminatingCharacter
if (FortCharacter := Eliminator?, EliminatingAgent := FortCharacter.GetAgent[]):
Print("We need to promote player")
PromotePlayer(Agent : agent) : void=
var WeaponTier : int = 0
if (Player := player[Agent], PlayerWeaponTier := PlayerMap[Player]):
set WeaponTier = PlayerWeaponTier + 1
CheckEndGame(Agent, WeaponTier)
if (Player := player[Agent], set PlayerMap[Player] = WeaponTier):
GrantWeapon(Player, WeaponTier)
InitTestMode() : void=
for (Sentry : Sentries):
TestPlayerElimination(Agent : ?agent) : void=
Print("Sentry eliminated!")
if (Player := Agent?):
CheckEndGame(Player : agent, WeaponTier : int) : void=
if (WeaponTier >= ElimsToEndGame):