Every single game I want to make in UEFN will be improved if we were able to play cutscenes and have them be instigated to players, without technical limitations like only the first player gets to see it until it finishes, or I need (cutscene * players) amount to instigate. Such a fundamental piece is missing from the engine, and there is no word in the roadmap about it.
with the Cinematic Sequence Device there is an option “Visibility” that you can change to “Instigator Only”, unless youre doing this and theres some kind of technicality? In a previous project I had an intro cutscene for each player that connected to the island and it worked.
as for collision, the barrier device has a “Add Player to Ignore List” function to have certain players with collision. you can tick “Invisible to Ignored Players” to have the barrier visible to players that have collision and invisible to players that dont. you could aslo have the barrier ignore certain classes/teams
It seems that you are still unaware of this. Imagine you have a Cinematic Sequence A which takes let’s say 1 minute to complete. Now player X starts watching the cut scene. At 30 seconds player Y also starts watching the SAME CS. This results into an issue, because player Y cannot start watching the cut scene until player X finishes with it. To workaround this issue we have to duplicate the device for each player. Each player would call into their dedicated CS. This is far from being ideal. Sometimes the number of CSs will explode.
The Scene Graph will provide a temporary but dynamic solution to this problem though. We will be able to create prefabs that contain devices. That way we can dynamically spawn a CS for each player as needed and remove it later on instead of pre-placing it into the world.
now i understand. this workflow isnt an issue with only cutscenes or cinematic devices, its almost a core uefn workflow issue. theres many other examples of having to duplicate items per player, even per “entity” (towers in a tower defense, all need their own unique animation sequence and cinematic device) i suspect the scene graph component workflow relieves some of these issues being able to create your own prefabs to drag drop in. i havent tried it yet, but it seems very similar to a Unity prefab workflow
Yes, similar to that. But yeah, this is why its still an issue, because you dont want players losing a cutscene, and in a game with lots of them, you cant have CS*Player on all cutscenes, that would bloat memory