UEFN 29.20: The fact that the Team Index of the ObjectiveDevice is not set to Any can be confusing.

Hey Epic,

Starting from UEFN 29.20, the default value of “Owning Team” owned by Objective Device is set with team index, whereas in other Devices, it was set to “Any”.

I believe this inconsistency in default values across different devices may lead to confusion for users in terms of UX. Could you consider to set “Owning Team” to “Any” in Objective Device? How do you think about this?

Thank you.

I’m using about 40 objective devices on a large 4km x 4km map and before the 29.20 update I could trigger the visibility of an objective regardless of its distance to the player. I can’t seem to do this anymore making it so I either have to display all 40 objectives always (a massive clutter) or make the objective not visible to the player’s team. For example, in my game, after talking to an NPC, they activate an objective marker that was previously hidden atop a skyscraper. but now I have to have that objective visible from 1000 meters at all times otherwise the player won’t see the objective from where they stand. There are also times when I need an objective to be near the player but invisible until triggered. I can’t seem to do this anymore. Is there a way to achieve this? I tried making the view distance 1000m and hoping triggering the visibility would be independent of proximity.