Ue5 world partition: how to make an actor alway visible

hi !
i got an big world partition and i want to have some actors always loaded/visible in the map.

i played along with rmb / visibility…
and googled…

but i didn´t find an check box named “always loaded”.

where is this option located ?

thanks for an answer :slight_smile:

greetz loopon

thanks for your attention… and here i found my solution:

** my problem resulted by the actual cell size**
( world settings / runtime settings / cell size ).

You could use DataLayerOutliner in Windows->Data Layers Outliners and add the meshs you want, there’s an option to make it “always loaded”.

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thanks a lot

You can use the ‘Is Spatially Loaded’ checkbox in the actor’s World Partition settings to control this.
If it’s unchecked, the actor will always be visible even if the World Partition cells are unloaded.




thanks a lot !!!

You are so amaing!!! Thx!!

If it helps, unchecked the Is Spatially Loaded and the problem is still present.

When I created a new DataLayer and moved the actor there it worked.
I can’t find any option to AlwaysLoaded, is that the case that a DataLayer will be always loaded by default?

The actor am trying to get is not a mesh , is a gameplay actor


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I can also confirm (UE 5.1) that merely deselecting the ‘Is Spatially Loaded’ checkbox in the actor details panel does not rectify the issue. To ensure these actors (related to gameplay, not meshes, though I presume the process is similar for all actors) are always loaded, I had to add them to the DataLayer.