UE5 - World Building Fellowship EEMEA

Hello Everyone!

I’ve had the chance to spend the last three weeks diving deeper and deeper into Unreal Engine 5.
Those weeks have been a blast! Not only I’ve met so many amazing people but we also had to deliver a project at the end of the Fellowship.

All of us had to roll some dices. Those dices defined the themes of our projects.

Here is what I got :

“An Exterior Office or Lab Space influenced by War genre. Ukiyo-e visual style will by applied on Multiple Subjects with a Photographic color palette. The architecture will be Decayed and will have strong influence of Post Modern built primarily with Living Organics (Plants. It will happen during Night with a Arid / High Desert climate and Ash Rain / Fire / Volcanic weather. It turns out our world has a Mythical Beings suprise twist.”…

Working with so many constraints threw me faaaaaar away out of my comfort zone… But what a ride it has been! I’m now way more confident when I have to create specific world.

I’m really happy to share the final result with you! (do not forget to turn the sound on ;))

It has been an amazing opportunity. I would like to thanks everyone at Epic Games, Mentors, TA’s and all my dear Fellows!

Here is the Artstation link for more informations!

I hope you’ll like it!



Greetings @lowlo !

I’m so happy to learn that you had so much fun participating in the Fellowship! What a roll of dice! Your project is everything you were given!

I really enjoyed the way the story unfolded. We’re introduced to a dimly lit, abandoned lab that looks as if something was contained inside, but has since broken out. Whatever was inside must have slaughtered those who were there to study or protect it, as shrines have been built nearby.

The stark contrast between the airy lab interior with its artificial lighting and the midnight post-apocalyptic inferno surrounding the outside was certainly eye-opening.
Looking at the desolate outer landscape, the lab may contain one of the most diverse flora remaining in one space.

Excellent work and remarkable storytelling! My apologies if I have misinterpreted your scene. Anyhow, you certainly delivered! Sometimes we don’t know what we’re capable of until we try something we haven’t done before.

What is the #1 most rewarding thing you have learned, and what is the #1 most challenging thing you have overcome? How did you find your inspiration?

This is a great shot, I don´t get tired to watch it!
I like the contrast between ideas and aesthetics which is present in it.