UE5 why is this still has Traversal Stuterring ???

As the title … Why ? Big engine, with lots of potenial, but alomst any new Game on this Engine, has bad traversal stuttering ?? Is there anyone in the team resposible for Quality Control ? Because I really don’t want to games studios to use this engine in order to for over 40-60$ got this stuttering in the exchange…

Why Epic still releasing new updates with some nothing significant patches, when they have should get rid of this the biggest issue of this Engine ?

I love how good the games can look with this Engine, but whole experience is ruined by those stutters.

Could you guys focus at fixing this major issue at first ?

I’m joining this post, and a million players must join too. Why are we buying half-baked products? It is interesting, somebody likes to listen to music with hiccups or drive a car with three wheels. So why are we playing games with traversal stutters?

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