Ue5 vr project metahuman

good morning
i’m trying to import a metahuman into my VR project but every time unreal5 crashes and eventually i’m forced to terminate the programme.
i’ve tried either importing directly from bridge or importing the character’s folder from another project, but every time i bring in the scene the character’s blueprints the program crashes
is there any way to solve the problem?
thanks for the help

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Hey there @Meng0204! Can we take a look at the crash logs to try and get a grip on what may be happening?

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usually I did not get the unreal crash window, the program simply stopped working and freeze, forcing me to close it from the task manager window.
at the moment I tried again and it just crashed, showing me the crash window

It looks like a rendering error I see somewhat often, I can’t see the rest of the error in your screenshot but that line is one I see often. Sometimes it has to do with the TDR delay, in oversimplified terms the renderer times out after a certain amount of time running something as a failsafe for going over.

Other times certain cards are having issues due to a recent windows/DX12 update.

May I see your computer specs?

these are the specifications of my PC and as a graphics card I have an NVIDIA Quadro M4000

A while ago I also had crashes with Metahumans, solved by disabling Motion Blur within the Project Settings > Rendering, give it a shot.

thanks for the suggestion but even so it does not work

Thanks for that. Now if the TDR fix didn’t help out I’ve got a couple more things to try to see if either of them are the issue. So in your project settings, what kind of Anti Aliasing is your project using? If it’s MSAA swap it over to TSR or FXAA as a test.

Also, after that try and import a them on DX11:

thank you very much for your help
finally changing Anti Aliasing to TSR in the project settings made me import my metahuman without crashing

Fantastic news! Now I still think this is only a workaround to not maxing out your card or breaking your DirectX in the meantime. If the issue rears it’s head again let me know! I’m still researching more ways to mitigate this issue until more fixes are rolled out.

I tried everything on here running UE 5.0.3 on an RTX A6000 (48GB VRAM) on an AMD TR 3975WX (32 cores) at 3.5ghz and 64GB RAM. Running metahuman as well. Only switching from DX12 to 11 worked. TDR did nothing. With a beast GPU for the life of me couldn’t understand why that crashes. I did a completely full DDU uninstall and reinstall and still nothing. Only downgrading to DX11 did it. Also the application I’m trying to run off of was the VR Template (using the Varjo HMD Unreal Plugin). Also the GPU is not underpowered, this is a Lenovo P620 Thinkstation PSU (1000W)

Hey there @razoredgexr1! Welcome to the community! Sorry to hear that! We’ve identified the cause to a number of issues that cause this. Sometimes it’s weaker hardware, sometimes it’s an overlay or some GPU accessor like MSI afterburner, other times it was a specific windows update that was causing DX12 to time-out. That said I’ve yet to find a fix per se, but the only temporary solution on hand that is consistent is dropping to DX11. Which I know isn’t something many projects can do long term. I’ve been gathering data to find every possible fix in the meantime. Though I’m glad at this time you can at least use this temporary fix!